2012 – 2013        
Gold and Silver medals 
1.Sri  Adavikolanu Bhimeswara Rao and Smt . Venkata Subbamma memorial gold medal donated by Mrs.G.Savithri, former HOD of Chemistry , to the student who obtains I Rank in B.Sc (M P Combinations)
                                                                                                                                D. Bhanumathi B. SC (M P C)
2.Mrs . Marthamma P. memorial gold medal  awarded by Dr. Mrs.Jyothipaul, HOD of applied sciences, St.Theresa’s College to the student who obtains  I Rank in B.SC
                                                                                                                               K. SivagangaB.Sc (B.Z.C)
3. Nanduri  Manikyala Rao and Chitti Kanakamma memorial Silver medal donated by Mr.N.Gayatri Devi ,Department of chemistry, St.Theresa’s College to the student who obtains  II Rank in B.SC
                                                                                                                                    T. Vijayasree B.Sc(B.Z.C)
4.nanduri Syamalamba memorial gold medal donated her daughter Mrs. N.Gayatri Devi ,Lecturer in chemistry, to the student who obtains  I Rank in Chemistry.
                                                                                                                                        D. Bhanumathi B. SC (M P C)

Awards and Scholarships
1.       Mother Clementza memorial award for the best outgoing student of the degree class.
                                                                                                                                     Archana Doss J III B.Sc (BZC)
2.       Smt. Dasari Sarojini memorial award awarded by Mrs. Kakarla lakshmi Tulasi , Ex student to St.Theresa’s College for deserving student
                                                                                                                                                    P . Sudha Rani I B.Sc (MPC)
3.       Sri Balayogi and Sri Krishnam raju award awarded by Balayogi and Sri Krishnam raju to a deserving student of III year
                                                                                                                                             T. Yayalakshmi III B.SC(MPC)
4.       Mrs. B.B. Sulochana , rtd  HOD of Chemistry , St.Theresa’s College award for a deserving student
                                                                                                                                               G. Jhansi Rani I BSC(ZNC)
5.       Smt . Chaganti Swarnalatha, Sri K.V. Subba Rao & Smt. K. Seetharamammamemorial award awarded by  Sri Chaganti  Somasundara Sai and sasi sai for a deserving student of MPC
                                                                                                                                               D. Bhavya Deepthi III B.Sc (MPC)
6.       Smt. Mulpuri seethe Ratnamma Venkata Ramayya memorial  prize for a merit student in III B.Sc
                                                                                                                                                  Archana Doss J III B.Sc (BZC)
7.Sri. Krishna rao memorial  prize for a merit student in III B.Sc MPC group
                                                                                                                                         Md. Afrin Sulthana III B.Sc (MPC)
8.A.V. Rajamohan patnaik memorial prize donated by Krishna mohan patnaik images fashon studio , for a responsible and service minded student.
                                                                                                                                                          N. Glory III B.Sc (BZC)
9. Major S.D.K.r.Mandali memorial award awarded by late Mrs. Vasundaradevi mandali  for the best NCC cadet
                                                                                                                                            K. Tejaswini III B.Sc (MPC)
10. Smt . T. I ndira Radhakrishna memorial award awarded by her husband sri. S. Radhakrishna, Hyderabad for a merit student in BZC Groupis awarded to
                                                                                                                                                           Archana Doss J III B.Sc (BZC)
11.Smt. G. Savithri and Sri. G. Seshachala Sarma award awarded by their son sri  G. Bhimeswara Rao,         Sypdf ,Eng (Electricity Dept.)
                                                                                                                                   P.Durga II B.SC (BZC)
                                                                                                                                 B. Pavani II B.SC (MPC)

12. Panneru venkata Ramalakshmi memorial prize donated by Smt. & Sri  P.V.Prasada Rao  M.Sc Dept of Chemistry  Sir C. R. R College for merit student in chemistry II B. Sc
                                                                                                                                    Y. Sushi  II B.SC (BBC)
13.Smt . Prakash memorial prize awarded by d.R.Rajeswari for the best all round student in sciences is awarded to
                                                                                                                                                   N. Sai Sameera III B.SC (BBC)

2013 – 2014
Gold and Silver medals 
1.Mrs . Marthamma P. memorial gold medal  awarded by Dr. Mrs.Jyothipaul, HOD of applied sciences, St.Theresa’s College to the student who obtains  I Rank in B.SC
                                                                                                                               Archana Doss J B.Sc (BZC)
2. Nanduri  Manikyala Rao and Chitti Kanakamma memorial Silver medal donated by Mr.N.Gayatri Devi ,Department of chemistry, St.Theresa’s College to the student who obtains  II Rank in B.SC
                                                                                                                               N. Sai Sameera III B.SC (BBC)    
3.nanduri Syamalamba memorial gold medal donated her daughter Mrs. N.Gayatri Devi ,Lecturer in chemistry, to the student who obtains  I Rank in Chemistry.
                                                                                                                               Archana Doss J B.Sc (BZC)        

Awards and Scholarships
1.       G.S. Raju prize donated by Sri .G.S. RajuSripharma, Vijayawada for Final Year student
                                                                                                                                     Arputhalilly III B.SC(MPC)
2.       Mrs. B.B. Sulochana , rtd  HOD of Chemistry , St.Theresa’s College award for a deserving student
                                                                                                                                                    M. Suguna III B Sc (BBC)    
3.       Sri D.V. Krishna Rao memorial prize donated  by Dr. D.K. Durga Rtd. Reader in Physicsn for merit in  III Degree MPC group
                                                                                                                                             C.Bhuvaneswari III B.SC(MPC)
4.       T. Raghavamma, T.Panakala Rao & T. SambasivaRao Prize donated  by (late) Mrs . T.G. Hymavathin  for the best student  in NSS
                                                                                                                                               P. Uma Maheswari III B.Sc(MPC)
5.       Smt . T. I ndira Radhakrishna memorial award awarded by her husband sri. S. Radhakrishna, Hyderabad for a merit student in BZC Groupis awarded to                                                 
                                                                                                                                               J. Mahalakshmi III B.Sc (BZC)
6.       Kambam Raphel Reddy memorial award awarded by his daughter  Mrs. Mary Kambam , Lecturer in English St.Theresa’s College ,Eluru  for a best student in  AICUF
                                                                                                                                                  B. Divya Prasanna III B.Sc (MPC)
7. Smt. G. Savithri and Sri. G. Seshachala Sarma award awarded by their son sri  G. Bhimeswara Rao,         Sypdf ,Eng (Electricity Dept.) for two deserving  students in I B.Sc
                                                                                                                                         P. Durga III B.Sc (BZC)
                                                                                                                                         B.Pavani III B.Sc (MPC)
8.Sri. Ithukulapati kiritaiah and Smt. Theresamma memorial award awarded by their daughter Dr. Mrs. I.Arlamma Albert Reader &HOD of P.G  Economics to a student sister of any UG coursel Class to promote the spirit of dedication in the campus is awarded to
                                                                                                                                                          Sr.Nirmala Madasu III B.Sc (BZC)
9. Fr. Savio Satlin & Fr.P. Bala priestly silver jubilee memorial cash award instituted by Fr.Saviostalin , Director , Sangarathana Mary Matha Shrine ,Samaladivi and Fr.p. Bala,Founder director, sst. Joseph Dental College Eluru to a Deserving final year student basing on academic performance
                                                                                                                                            S.Devi Siva Kumari III B.Sc (ZNC)
10.Smt. Kanumilli Lakshmi kanthamma memorial scholarship donated by Sri. Kanumilli Ramachandra Rao, Advocate of Eluru, awarded to a Muslim student to promote national integration
                                                                                                                                  Md.Ayesha Tabbussam III BSc (MPC)
11. Panneru venkata Ramalakshmi memorial prize donated by Smt. & Sri  P.V.Prasada Rao  M.Sc Dept of Chemistry  Sir C. R. R College for merit student in chemistry II B. Sc
                                                                                                                                  S. Snehalatha II B.Sc (MPC)

12.Smt. Prakash memorial prize awarded by D.R. Rajeswari for the best all round student in sciencesis awarded to                                                                                                               Arputha lilly . A

2014 – 2015
  Gold and Silver medals 
1.Mrs . Marthamma P. memorial gold medal  awarded by Dr. Mrs.Jyothipaul, HOD of applied sciences, St.Theresa’s College to the student who obtains  I Rank in B.SC
                                                                                                                               Y.Sushi B.Sc (B.B.C)
2.nanduri Syamalamba memorial gold medal donated her daughter Mrs. N.Gayatri Devi ,Lecturer in chemistry, to the student who obtains  I Rank in Chemistry.
                                                                                                                                  Y.Sushi B.Sc (B.B.C)     

Awards and Scholarships
1.       Smt. Dasari Sarojini memorial award awarded by Mrs. Kakarla lakshmi Tulasi , Ex student to St.Theresa’s College for deserving student
                                                                                                                                   P.Sudha Rani III B.Sc (MPC)
2.       Sr. Winifred , former principal of St.Theresa’s College memorial award awarded  by  degree students of 1996 – 99 of I, II, III years , for all round proficiency in degree.
                                                                                                                                                    G Madhuri III B.Sc (BZC)
3.       Smt . Chaganti Swarnalatha, Sri K.V. Subba Rao & Smt. K. Seetharamammamemorial award awarded by  Sri Chaganti  Somasundara Sai and sasi sai for a deserving student of MPC
                                                                                                                                             D. Vani II B.SC(MPC)
4.       T. Raghavamma, T.Panakala Rao & T. SambasivaRao Prize donated  by (late) Mrs . T.G. Hymavathin  for the best student  in NSS
                                                                                                                                               K. Sravika lakshmi III BSC(BZC)
5.       Kambam Raphel Reddy memorial award awarded by his daughter  Mrs. Mary Kambam , Lecturer in English St.Theresa’s College ,Eluru  for a best student in  AICUF
                                                                                                                                               D. Asha III B.Sc (BZC)
6.       Smt. G. Savithri and Sri. G. Seshachala Sarma award awarded by their son sri  G. Bhimeswara Rao,         Sypdf ,Eng (Electricity Dept.) for two deserving  students in I B.Sc               
                                                                                                                                    S. Chaitanya I B.Sc(BZC)
                                                                                                                                     B. Deepika I B.Sc(MPC)
7.        Fr. Savio Satlin & Fr.P. Bala priestly silver jubilee memorial cash award instituted by Fr.Saviostalin , Director , Sangarathana Mary Matha Shrine ,Samaladivi and Fr.p. Bala,Founder director, sst. Joseph Dental College Eluru to a Deserving final year student basing on academic performance
                                                                                                                                         G. Sirisha III B.Sc (MBC)
8.        Sri Balayogi and Sri Krishnam raju award awarded by Balayogi and Sri Krishnam raju to a deserving student of III year
                                                                                                                                                          D. Venkata Surya III B.Sc (BZC)
9.        Mrs. B.B. Sulochana , rtd  HOD of Chemistry , St.Theresa’s College award for a deserving student

                                                                                                                                            P. Mohini  III B.Sc (MPC)
10.    Sri D.V. Krishna Rao memorial prize donated  by Dr. D.K. Durga Rtd. Reader in Physicsn for merit in  III Degree MPC group

                                                                                                                                                           K. Raghavamma III B.Sc (MPC)
11. Smt . T. I ndira Radhakrishna memorial award awarded by her husband sri. S. Radhakrishna, Hyderabad for a merit student in BZC Groupis awarded to
                                                                                                                                   D . Venkata Surya III B.Sc (BZC)
12. Panneru venkata Ramalakshmi memorial prize donated by Smt. & Sri  P.V.Prasada Rao  M.Sc Dept of Chemistry  Sir C. R. R College for merit student in chemistry II B. Sc
                                                                                                                                    T. Jaya sree  II B.Sc (MPC)

Mrs.Marthamma P. Memorial Gold Medal Awarded by Dr. Mrs. P. Jyothi Paul,Head of the Department of Applied Science, St. Theresa ‘s College to the student who obtains I Rank in B.SC.(B.Z.C; Z.N.C; M.B.C;Groups).  SK.Roshanara B.SC.(M.B.C)
Nanduri Manikyala Rao & Chitti Kanakamma Memorial  Silver Medal                                                                          Awarded by Mrs.N.Gayathri Devi, Dept. of Chemistry, St. Theresa’s College to the student who obtain II Rank in B.Z.C                                                                                                                                           D. Venkata surya B.Sc. (B.Z.C)
Guntapalli Satish memorial Gold Medal Awarded by his mother Mrs.S.Anjali, Typist St.Theresa’s college to the student who obtain I rank in M.Sc Chemistry.
 Y. Rajani M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry)

Nanduri Syamalamba memorial Gold Medal Awarded by her daughter Mrs.N.Gayathri Devi, Lecturer in Chemistry to the student who obtains I Rank in Chemistry.
K. Raghavamma  B.Sc (M.P.C)

A.V.Rajamohan Patnaik memorial Prize donated by Krishna Mohan Patnaik Images Fashion studio for a responcible and service minded student.
K. Tejaswi III B.Sc (B.Z.C)

Smt. Chaganti Swarnalatha, Sri. K.V. Subbarao & Smt.K.Seetharamamma memorial award awarded by Sri Chaganti Somasundara Sai, Senior Charted Accountant and Sasi sai for adeserving student in M.P.C.
D. Vani III B.Sc. (M.P.C)

Smt. Valluri Rajeswaramma and Narasimha Rao Memorial Award awarded by her children for outstanding participation in Collegiate and Inter Collegiate programmes.
 K. Joz Mercy III B.Sc. (M.P.C)

Dr.P. Sri Tanaya Award awarded by Dr.P.Sudhakar and Dr.P. Sri Tanaya  for a merit student in M.Sc. Chemistry.
 Ch. Bhuvaneswari M.Sc Chemistry

Smt. G. Savitri and  Sri  G.Seshachalam Sarma award awarded by their Son G. Bhimeswara Rao ,Supdt. Eng.(Electricity Dept) for two deserving student  in B.SC S. Chaitanya  II B.SC (B.Z.C)            
 B. Deepika     II  B.SC(M.P.C) 

Smt. Kanumilli  Lakshmi  Knathama  Memorial  Scholarship donated by Sri  Kanumilli  Ramachandra Rao , Advocate of  Eluru  Awarded to  a  Muslim  Student  to  promote National  Intigration. 
 Sd  Nihamehatab  III  B.SC (M.P.C)

Smt. Prakash Memorial Award awarded by D.R. Rajeswari for the best all round  student in Science is awarded to
I.Lakshmi Sreehitha III  B.SC (M.P.C)

Mrs. L. Balamma Rtd Lecturer in social work , St. Theresa’s College Award awarded by her for the Bible activities , throughout the year 2014-15 is awarded to                                                 
 K.Nancy III  B.SC (M.P.C)
 P.Santhi III  B.SC (B.Z.C)                                                                             
 M.Showmeya III  B.SC (M.B.C)

Smt. Dasari  Sarojini  Memorial  Award  awarded by  Mrs. Kakarala  Lakshmi  Tulasi,    Ex- Student  of  St.Theresa’s College  for a deserving  Student.
 S. Lakshmi  Prasanna I  B.SC (M.P.C) 

Sri Balayogi  and  Sri  Krishnam Raju Award awarded by  Balayogi  and  Sri Krishnam  Raju  to a adserving  student  of III year.
M. Sai  Saranya   III  B.SC (Z.N.C)

T.M. Natarajan Piliai  Smt Maria Memorial Award awarded by  their daughter  T.N. Leela , office staff ,St.Theresa’s college  for two  deserving Student.
K. Kavya  III  B.SC (B.Z.C)

Smt .T. Indira Radhakrishna Memorial Award awarded by her husband  Sri S. Radhakrishna Hyderabad  for  a merit  student  in B.Z.C Group  is awarded  to
SK. Aaisha III B.SC. B.Z.C

Panneru Venkata Ramalakshmi Memorial prize donated by  Smt & Sri P.V. Prasad rao M.Sc. dept of chemistry  Sir C.R.R. College for merit student in chemistry IIB.Sc.
K. Harika II B.SC (M.P.C)                                               


Silver medal awarded by department of mathematics, St.Theresa’s College to the student who obtains II rank in B.Sc(Physical sciences)
Burra Venkata Sai Lakshmi B.Sc(MPC)                                                                                                                                                                             

Sri Adavikolanu Bhimeswara Rao and Smt Venkata Subbamma Memorial Gold medal awared by Late Mrs.G.Savithri, Former Head of the department of chemistry, to the student who obtains in 1st rank in B.Sc (Physical sciences)
Tamada Jaya Sri B.Sc(M.P.C)
Nanduri Manikyala Rao & Chitti Kanakamma Memorial  Silver Medal                                                                          Awarded by Mrs.N.Gayathri Devi, Dept. of Chemistry, St. Theresa’s College to the student who obtain II Rank in B.Z.C                                                                                                                                           Sk.Aaisha B.Sc. (B.Z.C)
Guntapalli Satish memorial Gold Medal Awarded by his mother Mrs.S.Anjali, Typist St.Theresa’s college to the student who obtain I rank in M.Sc Chemistry.
 Ch.Bhuvaneswari,  M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry)

Nanduri Syamalamba memorial Gold Medal Awarded by her daughter Mrs.N.Gayathri Devi, Lecturer in Chemistry to the student who obtains I Rank in Chemistry.
Burra Venkata Sai Lakshmi B.Sc(MPC)                                                                                                                                                                              

A.V.Rajamohan Patnaik memorial Prize donated by Krishna Mohan Patnaik Images Fashion studio for a responcible and service minded student.
J.Mary Jyotsna III B.Sc (B.Z.C)

Sr.Adelphine Former P.G.Director Award awarded by P.G.Staff and students 2008-09 Batch for a P.G. Student who is good in soft skills
G.Sravani II M.Sc Chemistry
Jyothirmayi Award presented by Late Bishop John Mulagada and instituted by Fr.P.Bala, Diocesan the then Director of Jyothirmai for Catholic student, who secured highest marks in the final year degree class is awarded to
Mallavarapu Showmeya IIIB.Sc(MBC)
Smt. Chaganti Swarnalatha, Sri. K.V. Subbarao & Smt.K.Seetharamamma memorial award awarded by Sri Chaganti Somasundara Sai, Senior Charted Accountant and Sasi sai for adeserving student in M.P.C.
D. Vani III B.Sc. (M.P.C)

Smt. Valluri Rajeswaramma and Narasimha Rao Memorial Award awarded by her children for outstanding participation in Collegiate and Inter Collegiate programmes.
 K. Joz Mercy III B.Sc. (M.P.C)

Dr.P. Sri Tanaya Award awarded by Dr.P.Sudhakar and Dr.P. Sri Tanaya  for a merit student in M.Sc. Chemistry.
 G.Sirisha  M.Sc Chemistry

Smt. G. Savitri and  Sri  G.Seshachalam Sarma award awarded by their Son G. Bhimeswara Rao ,Supdt. Eng.(Electricity Dept) for two deserving student  in B.SC S. Chaitanya  II B.SC (B.Z.C)            
 S.Chaitanya     III  B.SC(BZC) 

Sri D.V.Krishna Rao memorial prize donated by Dr.D.K.Durga Rtd.Reader in physics for merit in III degree MPC Group
Karamsetti Harika III B.Sc.(MPC)
B.Iswarachandra memorial scholarship donated by B.Suseela from USA for the deserving B.Sc degree student
V.Bala Naga Tejaswi IB.Sc(MPC)
Mrs. L. Balamma Rtd Lecturer in social work , St. Theresa’s College Award awarded by her for the Bible activities , throughout the year 2014-15 is awarded to                                                 
 G.Kiranmayi  II B.SC (M.P.C)
K.Swarupa IIB.Sc (MPC)
K.Sumalatha IIB.Sc (MPC)
 R.Jayanthi  II B.SC (Z.N.C)                                                                             
 S.Sowjanya I B.SC (Z.N.C)

Smt. Dasari  Sarojini  Memorial  Award  awarded by  Mrs. Kakarala  Lakshmi  Tulasi,    Ex- Student  of  St.Theresa’s College  for a deserving  Student.
 S. Lakshmi  Prasanna II  B.SC (M.P.C) 

Mrs.B.B.Sulochana, Rtd.Head of the chemistry department, St.Theresa’s College award for a deserving student
Ragu Durga Harika IIIB.Sc (ZNC)
Sri Seetharama Lakshmana Yeteendrulu memorial prize awarded by Late Miss M.V.Mangatayaru, Former Head of the dept.of physics for a deserving student

K.Harika IIIB.Sc(MPC)
Smt .T. Indira Radhakrishna Memorial Award awarded by her husband  Sri S. Radhakrishna Hyderabad  for  a merit  student  in B.Z.C Group  is awarded  to
Mulaparthi Divya Sree III B.SC ( B.Z.C)

Panneru Venkata Ramalakshmi Memorial prize donated by  Smt & Sri P.V. Prasad rao M.Sc. dept of chemistry  Sir C.R.R. College for merit student in chemistry IIB.Sc.
P.Srilakshmi II B.SC (M.P.C)                                               

Mr.Y.Sasi Bhushan Reddy, Engineer instituted a scholarship as tuition fee for the economically backward students.
K.Rama Devi II B.Sc (MPC)

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Chemistry FOCUS club

Dr.Sr.Mercy along with chemistry department felicitated students of I II & III BSc who secured full marks in chemistry subject in I III...